Tuesday, January 14, 2014

My Insane Arms and Chest Workout (2014)

I do this arms ad chest workout every other day:

1-Regular Push-ups-40

2-Bar Lifts-35

3-Regular Push-ups-35

4-Bar Lifts-30

5-Regular Push-ups-30

6-Bar Lifts-25

7-Regular Push-ups-25

8-Bar Lifts-20

9-Regular Push-ups-20

10-Bar Lifts-15

11-Regular Push-ups-15

12-Power Twister Exercise-30x3

13-Regular Push-ups-35

14-Bar Lifts-30

15-Regular Push-ups-30

16-Bar Lifts-25

17-Regular Push-ups-25

18-Bar Lifts-20

19-Regular Push-ups-20

20-Bar Lifts-15

21-Regular Push-ups-15

22-Power Twister Exercise-25x3

23-Regular Push-ups-30

24-Bar Lifts-25

25-Regular Push-ups-25

26-Bar Lifts-20

27-Regular Push-ups-20

28-Bar Lifts-15

29-Regular Push-ups-15

30-Power Twister Exercise-20x3

31-Regular Push-ups-25

32-Bar Lifts-20

33-Regular Push-ups-20

34-Bar Lifts-15

35-Regular Push-ups-15

36-Power Twister Exercise-15x3

This is a 1020 reps. workout.

Monday, January 6, 2014

January 2014 Challenge

This year's first challenge is directed to the ones who want to loose belly fat.Start the year changing your jogging training to sprinting training because intensity is better than time spent and this way you'll loose more fat and faster, which means that your workout less boring and more effective.
So here's the challenge:

Sprint for 20 seconds and stop for 10 and then repeat as much times as you can. Try to do at least 8 repetitions.

Post your results below.